Event Catering Served With Style.


Fresh seasonal and creative menus for all occasions
Barbican Pomegrnt Malt Beverage 250ml

Barbican Pomegrnt 250ml

Barbican Malt Beverage Apple Flavor 250ml

Barbican Apple 250ml

Barbican Classic Malt Beverage 250ml

Barbican Classic 250ml

Barbican Strawberry Malt Beverage 250ml

Barbican Strawberry 250ml

Version 1.0.0

Estrella Beer 250ml

Estrella Non-Alcohol Beer Can 330ml

Estrella Beer Can 330ml

Heineken 0% Alcohol Beer 250ml

Heineken Beer 250ml

Moussy Apple Flavour Non Alcoholic Malt Beverage 330ml

Moussy Apple 330ml

Moussy Raspberry Flavoured Non-Alcoholic Malt Beverage 330ml

Moussy Raspberry 330ml

Moussy Ice Berry Flavoured Non-Alcoholic Malt Beverage 330ml

Moussy Ice Berry 330ml

Moussy Malt Beverage Lemon Mint Flavour 330ml

Moussy Lemon Mint 330ml

Moussy Peach Flavor Non Alcoholic Malt Beverage 330ml

Moussy Peach 330ml

Moussy Malt Beverage Pomegranate Flavour 330ml

Moussy Pomegranate 330ml

Moussy Non-Alcoholic Malt Beverage Strawberry 330ml

Moussy Strawberry 330ml

Efes Malt Beverage Btle Strawberry 330ml

Efes Strawberry 330ml

Efes Malt Beverage Bottle Classic 330ml

Efes Classic 330ml

Barbican Malt Beverage Pomegranate Flavor 250ml

Efes Apple 330ml

Power Horse Original 250ml

Power Horse 250ml

A&W Root Beer Diet, Caffeine Free 355ml

A&W Root Beer Diet, 355ml

Red Bull Energy Drink 250ml

Red Bull Energy Drink 250ml

Schweppes Mojito Can 250ml

Schweppes Mojito Can 250ml

Schweppes - Pomegranate Can 250ml

Schweppes - Pomegranate Can 250ml

Klasse Strawberry Malt Drink 250ml

Klasse Strawberry 250ml

Sprite Soft Drink Bottle 250ml

Sprite Soft Drink Bottle 250ml

7UP, Carbonated Soft Drink, Glass Bottle, 250ml

7UP, 250ml

Coca-Cola Light Soft Drink 250 Ml Glass Bottle

Coca-Cola 250 Ml

Klasse Malt Apple 250ml

Klasse Malt Apple 250ml

Shani, Carbonated Soft Drink, bottle, 250ml

Shani 250ml

Mountain Dew, Carbonated Soft Drink, Glass Bottle, 250ml

Mountain Dew 250ml

Fanta Orange Soft Drink 250 Ml

Fanta Orange Soft Drink 250 Ml

Rockstar Energy Drink, Original, 250ml

Rockstar 250ml

Red Bull Sugar Free Energy Drink 250ml

Red Bull 250ml

Vimto Sparkling Fruit Flavoured Drink 250ml

Vimto Sparkling Fruit 250ml

Vimto Sparkling Raspberry Flavoured Drink 250ml

Vimto Raspberry 250ml

Monster Energy Drink 250ml

Monster 250ml

Monster Ultra, Energy Drink 250ml

Monster 250ml

Mirinda citrus Can 250 ml

Mirinda citrus Can 250 ml

Pepsi Zero Sugar NRB 250ml

Pepsi 250ml

Liftup Refreshing Energy Drink 250ml

Liftup 250ml

Almarai No Added Sugar Mixed Fruit Juice 200ml

Almarai Mixed Fruit Juice 200ml

Almarai No Added Sugar Mixed Fruit Lemon Juice 200ml

Almarai Lemon Juice 200ml

Almarai No Added Sugar Mango & Grape Juice 200ml

Almarai Mango & Grape Juice 200ml

Almarai No Added Sugar Mixed Berry Juice 200ml

Almarai Mixed Berry Juice 200ml

Almarai Premium No Added Sugar Orange Juice 200ml

Almarai Orange Juice 200ml

Almarai No Added Sugar Apple Juice 200ml

Almarai Apple Juice 200m

Lamar 100% Pomegranate Juice 200ml

Lamar 100% Pomegranate Juice 200ml

Lamar Mango Juice With No Added Sugar 200ml

Lamar Mango Juice 200ml

Lamar 100% Apple Juice 200ml

Lamar Apple Juice 200ml

Lamar Orange Juice With No Added Sugar 200ml

Lamar Orange Juice 200ml

Rani Float Peach Fruit Drink with Real Fruit Pieces 240ml

Rani Float Peach 240ml

Rani Float Mango Can No Added Sugar 100% Fruit Juice 240ml

Rani Float Mango juice 240ml

Rani Float Orange Can No Added Sugar 100% Fruit Juice 240ml

Rani Float Orange Can 240ml

Rani Float Pineapple Can No Added Sugar 100% Fruit Juice 240ml

Rani Float Pineapple Juice 240ml

Nada Juice Lemon With Mint And Pulp 200ml

Nada Juice Lemon With Mint And Pulp 200ml

Nada raspberry juice 200 ml

Nada raspberry juice 200 ml

Nada pomegranate juice 200 ml

Nada pomegranate juice 200 ml

Nada Pineapple Juice 200ml

Nada Pineapple Juice 200ml

Nada Apple Juice 200ml

Nada Apple Juice 200ml

Nada Tropical Cocktail Juice 200ml

Nada Tropical Cocktail Juice 200ml

Nada strawberry juice 200 ml

Nada strawberry juice 200 ml

Nada Mixed Fruit Juice 200ml

Nada Mixed Fruit Juice 200ml

Nadec Nectar Lemon Mint with Fruit Mix 180ml

Nadec Lemon Mint 180ml

Nadec Nectar Mojito Strawberry 180ml

Nadec Nectar Mojito Strawberry 180ml

Nadec Nectar Strawberry with Fruit Mix 180ml

Nadec Strawberry 180ml

Nadec Nectar Mix Fruit with Fruit Mix 180ml

Nadec Mix Fruit 180ml

Nadec Nectar Mango with Fruit Mix 180ml

Nadec Mango 180ml

Nadec Nectar 8 Vitamins with Fruit Mix 180

Nadec 8 Vitamins 180 ml

Nadec Nectar guava with Fruit Mix 180ml

Nadec guava 180ml

Nadec Nectar Orange Carrot with Fruit Mix 180ml

Nadec Orange Carrot 180ml

Tropicana Frutz Black Currant Cocktail Flavored Fruit Drink 300ml

Tropicana Frutz Black Currant Cocktail 300ml

Vimto Fizzy Zero Sugar Original Sparkling Fruit Drink 250ml

Vimto Fizzy Original Sparkling 250ml

Tropicana Frutz Apple Cockatiel Flavored Fruit Drink 300ml

Tropicana Apple Cockatiel 300ml

Tropicana Frutz Mango And Peach Cocktail Soft Drink 300ml

Tropicana Mango And Peach Cocktail 300ml